Podcast Series 5
September 2021 onward
This PDF contains important clarification regarding quotes in podcast 44

If you wish to support Robert's work, you can now DONATE DIRECTLY to Robert Powell via PayPal, using Send Money to a Friend, via E-mail: astrosophia@protonmail.com

"Blessed are you who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for yours is the kingdom of heaven."
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven."
Matthew 5:10-11

December 24, 1975 A message from Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi
"Do not fear: As my Heart has given you the Savior, so now in these times, my Immaculate Heart gives you the joy of his salvation. Soon the whole world, which is pervaded with darkness and which has been snatched from my Son, will at last rejoice over the fruit of this holy night. The triumph of my Immaculate Heart will be realized through a new birth of Jesus in the hearts and the souls of my poor wandering children. Only have confidence, and do not let anxiety or discouragement take hold of you. The future that awaits you will be a new dawn of light for the whole world, now at last made clean."
December 24, 1978 A message from Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi
"Even in this second coming, the Son will come to you through his Mother. As the Word of the Father made use of my virginal womb to come to you, so also will Jesus make use of my Immaculate Heart to come and reign in your midst..."
THESE PODCASTS ARE FREELY OFFERED with no obligation to donate. However, if you are moved to donate to support Robert's continued spiritual-scientific research, you can now DONATE DIRECTLY to Robert Powell
via PayPal, using Send Money to a Friend, via E-mail: astrosophia@protonmail.com
click this link to hear Dr. Powell's talk on December 18 2021 regarding the Healing of the man born blind - Sun conjunct Galactic Center