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Podcast Series #4 

Ye men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven?

This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven,

will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.           

Acts 1:11

31 A The Ascension and Return of ChristDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 34:45
32 A DM650430Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 49:02
33 A DM650432Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 39:47
34 A DM650433Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 46:12
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Moses and the bronze serpent.jpg

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” John 3:14-15

To access the Staff of Mercury Video:


31 BDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 29:03
32 B DM650430Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 43:52
33 BDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 23:42
34 BDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 34:15
35 A DM650434Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 48:21
35 BDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 17:36
36 A World PentecostDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 48:48
36 B DM650435Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 46:23
36 C DM650435Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 08:07
37 A DM650436Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 49:33
38 A Woe to the SatanistsDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 48:26
39 ADr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 49:21
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40 A Star WisdomDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 50:08
37 B DM650436Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 23:37
38 B The Fall of BabylonDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 33:16
39 BDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 14:09
40 B Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 50:05
41 ADr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 49:02
42 A DM650446Dr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 48:31
43 A Christ's MiraclesDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 44:02
43 C Christ's MiraclesDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 38:19
41 BDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 15:28
42 BDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 10:34
43 B Chrst's MiraclesDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 39:00
43 D Staff of MercuryDr. Robert Powell
00:00 / 22:48

Dear Friends,

Podcast #43 is a way of working with the healing miracles of Christ Jesus as a source of healing and strength. Here with two versions of this new celebration:




















Robert has returned from Europe and has resumed the podcasts now in the second half of September, 2021, and they can be found HERE



Note: Initially, when Robert discontinued workshops in other countries, he indicated that he intended to continue with the workshops in Dornach, Switzerland and in Roncegno and Assisi, Italy. However, given the world circumstances, - unless there is a positive change in these circumstances - he has now indicated that this year's European workshops will probably be the last ones.


Wishing you well on all levels, and let us connect with each other via the Parousia - Christ's renewed Presence in the Etheric realm.

With love,


New Celebration: The Seven Healing Miracles

Alternative Text of The Seven Healing Miracles

If you wish to support Robert's work, you can now DONATE DIRECTLY to Robert Powell

via PayPal, using Send Money to a Friend, via E-mail:


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