The following music CDs are for Choreocosmos training. The ideal, of course, is to work with live music, however for students, or anyone, wishing to learn the dances well, who do not have access to a pianist, these CDs will be helpful. Please contact Kelly Calegar directly to order CD's. They are free or by donation.
Music for the Liturgy to the Earth
by Sylvia Karpe $20
Music for the Four Elements and the Prayer Sequence
by Sylvia Karpe $20
Music for the Planets
Series 1 and 2
by Sylvia Karpe $20
Music for the Planets
Series I only
by Ludmilla Lohbrunner-Gricenko $20
Music for the Zodiac
by Ludmilla Lohbrunner-Gricenko $25
Music for the Prayer Sequence
by Ludmilla Lohbrunner-Gricenko $20
LECTURE CDs from Robert's Global Workshops
- free or by donation
The audio CDs listed below are of lectures given by Dr. Robert Powell at various gatherings and workshops from 2011 to 2020. These audio CDs are 'sound edited' to eliminate coughs, sneezes, and binder clicks, for example, where possible, but they are not of professional quality. In addition, they have not been reviewed by Dr. Powell, but he has given his approval to make them available.
Please order through Kelly Calegar directly to order CD's. They are free or by donation.
Kaspar Hauser Lectures: Summer 2018
Bali Lectures Spring 2018
Assisi Lectures 2017
The Tree of Life and the Foundation Stone
Assisi Lectures 2016
The Tree of Life and Adam Kadmon
2017 Melbourne workshop
"The Beatitudes"
Topics Include:
The nine-fold human being in relation to the nine spiritual hierarchies and the nine beatitudes; The Trinity as the Primal Source of Creation; The Trinity and the Foundation Stone of Love; The shift from Christ’s descent into Hell to Christ’s ascent to the Father was the “turning point of time.” The Nine Beatitudes open us to the Holy Spirit, through Christ. They are nine blessings for the nine-fold human being on the path toward resurrection; A spiritual breathing process will lead us to etheric clairvoyance; Two significant prophets of the Second Coming; The Ishim; A new aspect of Eurythmy and etheric clairvoyance’; Astrosophy lesson; The Jupiter rhythm that underlies Christ’s descent to Shamballa; Islam and Gondishapur; The Nine Beatitudes are the remedy for the counter forces ascending from sub-earthly layers and working in the world; From the Temple of Solomon to the Heavenly Jerusalem; The High Priest and High Priestess of the new temple, the Heavenly Jerusalem are Jesus Christ and Mary Sophia; The Steiner Madonna; Our destiny is woven into our etheric body; Cultivating the seed of the Resurrection Body; The spiritual hierarchies and the Holy Spirit; The new sphere that is being added to the earth; The opening of the 8th sub-earthly sphere in 2016; Rudolf Steiner and Valentin Tomberg—a closer look.
2015 5-day Workshop:
The Great Teachers of Humanity
Melbourne, Australia
January 2015
2014 5-day Workshop:
The Merging of East and West
The Maitreya Bodhisattva
Sebastopol, CA
July 2014
2013 5-day Workshop:
The Mysteries of the Holy Grail
Sebastopol, CA
July 15-19, 2013
2013 Weekend Workshop:
Shambhala and the Sacred Heart
Holden Beach, NC
July 22-24 2013 (Part 1)
2012 Weekend Workshop:
Prophecy, Phenomena, Hope
Choose from the following locations:
Boulder, CO
Petaluma, CA
Vancouver, BC Canada
Chapel Hill, NC is offered as a FREE DOWNLOAD on the page entitled "Esoteric Lectures"
2012 5-day Workshiops:
Life Beyond the Threshold of Death:
Boulder, CO
Chapel Hill, NC
Petaluma, CA
Vancouver, BC Canada
The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse:
The Unveiling"
July 25-29, 2011
Chapel Hill, NC
Topics Include:
The New Genesis: Evolution from a Spiritual Scientific Perspective;The Mystery of Evil as Path for Awakening Consciousness and Conscience; Eurythmy as a Christianizing of the Atlantean Mysteries; Practices for the redemption of evil: Donning Sophia's Starry Mantle and putting on the Resurrection Body of Christ
"Seeking Isis Sophia"
Robert Powell, PhD
July 11-15, 2011
Petaluma, CA
Topics Include:
The structure of the Earth as a Tetrahedron.
The shift of spiritual orientation from the East to the South.
Christ as the divine archetype of LIFE.
The quintessence of alchemy.
The resurrection of the Mysteries of Atlas.
The seven planetary oracles represented by the Rishis.
The Primal teachers and the Nephalim.
The 600 year rhythym of cultural waves
The new cultural wave coming in 2014
The re-interpenetration of Heaven and Earth
The Foundation Stone Meditation
Robert Powell, PhD
February 25 - 27, 2011
Petaluma, CA
2011 Weekend Workshops:
Awakening to the Divine Feminine:
Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary
Chapel Hill, NC
Topics include:
The life and Mission of Mary Magdalene
The Assumption of the Virgin Mary - an Alchemical Mystery
The Heavenly Jerusalem: The future of solarized/Christianized humanity
Awakening to the Divine Feminine:
Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary
June 24 - 26, 2011
Boulder, CO
Awakening to the Divine Feminine:
Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary
July 1-3, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
"The Zodiac and World Evolution in the Light of Divine Sophia"
July 8-10, 2011
Seattle, WA
The Shambhala Path: Esoteric Lectures held in Vilcabamba, Ecuador 2018/2019
Parts 1 and 2
The Shambhala Path: Esoteric Lectures held in Vilcabamba, Ecuador 2018/2019
Part 5
The Shambhala Path: Esoteric Lectures held in Vilcabamba, Ecuador 2018/2019
Part 3
The Shambhala Path: Esoteric Lectures held in Vilcabamba, Ecuador 2018/2019
Part 6
The Shambhala Path: Esoteric Lectures held in Vilcabamba, Ecuador 2018/2019
Part 4